Alumni & Friends

Larry Simonsmeier Memorial Scholarship

This endowment was established by the friends, colleagues and students of Larry Simonsmeier to continue his legacy with an annual scholarship in his name. Larry’s long time friends and students, […]

R.M. Cork Simmelink Scholarship

R.M. Cork Simmelink Scholarship was established in 2000 by Cork’s wife, Audrey, in memory of her husband, who was a 1949 WSU pharmacy graduate. Cork and Audrey owned and operated […]

Elwyn & Viola Swetman Rx Scholarship

Elwyn & Viola Swetman Rx Scholarship was started in the 1940s by Mr. Swetmann as an annual contribution for scholarships. The scholarship was later endowed through a bequest from Viola […]

Gary Thiemens Memorial Scholarship

Gary Thiemens Memorial Scholarship was established in 1994 by Kim Rieken and family in memory of this 1977 graduate who served as a president of the Spokane Pharmacists Association and […]