
College of Pharmacy History – Lho Chi

LHO CHI. The piquant humor of some members of the class of 1978 was exhibited by satirically adopting the name of Lho Chi for a renegade social group that had its beginning in some secret place. The nature of its activities suggest that it most likely was on the sands of the Snake River.

College of Pharmacy History – WSU Drug Garden

A project that Asa F. Maxwell began working on shortly after his arrival as Head of the pharmacy program was the development of a medicinal plant garden. The place of pharmacognosy in the education of pharmacy students was very strong at that time and it was common for colleges of pharmacy to maintain gardens as a source of plant materials so that students might become familiar with their identities and to instruct students in the collecting, drying and storing of them.

Generations in Pharmacy

Cougar pharmacists are some of the most highly sought-after pharmacy professionals for their expertise, professionalism and entrepreneurial spirit. One of the contributing factors to this is that Cougs are notoriously […]