Academic Subjects

Career advice and lessons learned in pharmacy

Vice Dean of External Relations Linda Garrelts MacLean is a veteran of the pharmacy community. As co-owner of Jones Pharmacy & Home Health Care Center for over 20 years, a past-president of the Washington State Pharmacy Association, past trustee for the American Pharmacists Association, and a recipient of the Bowl of Hygeia Award (the highest honor in the profession), Garrelts MacLean knows a thing or two about building a successful career, seeking out opportunities, and above all, caring for patients. In this video, she shares her lifelong experience working in community pharmacy, running a business, and working to advance the practice.

Student pharmacists on COVID-19 testing in Pullman

When Misty Lefler and Shayne Fontes got the urgent call from Associate Dean of Professional Education Jennifer Robinson that volunteers were needed for COVID-19 testing at WSU’s main campus in Pullman, the third-year pharmacy students scrambled to organize their peers over one weekend. Only one week into the fall semester, and Pullman was already experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases despite going to virtual learning for the semester.

“I get really excited saying ‘I get to help out with this and I get to help our community,’” said Lefler. “As health care providers all we want to do is educate, immunize, and help provide those services.”

Meet pharmacy’s new dean

Pharmacy and research were never part of WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Dean Mark Leid’s life plan, but dreams of becoming a Division 1 football player and following his then girlfriend to the WSU College of Pharmacy, led him on an unlikely path to a lifelong career as a pharmacist and researcher.

Embedded: Student pharmacist on the frontlines of COVID-19 testing in Yakima

When a spike in COVID-19 cases made Yakima county a West Coast hot spot for the disease, Yakima Doctor of Pharmacy students quickly stepped up to help with mitigation efforts. Working alongside the Yakima Health District and the US National Guard, WSU student pharmacists volunteered to help direct people in improvised testing centers. The college sat down with third-year pharmacy student Brian Wu to hear about the experience.