
WSU football hero to be honored by College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

William (Bill) Gaskins is a 1969 College of Pharmacy graduate, clinical pharmacy instructor, Washington State University (WSU) Athletics Hall of Fame inductee and was director of pharmacy at Pullman Regional Hospital for 43 years. This fall he will also be the first-ever recipient of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences R. Keith Campbell Lifetime Achievement Award.

Scholarship helps student pharmacist work toward her dream

Student pharmacist Megan Baker is interested in owning her own pharmacy someday, and she just received a scholarship designed to help her get there. Baker was one of just 20 students nationwide selected to receive a $2,500 Pharmacists Mutual Scholarship for the upcoming 2019-20 school year.

Reflecting on Peru

Every year a group of Washington State University Health Sciences students travel nearly 5,000 miles from home to provide health care services to the people and communities in the Amazon […]