
First time on campus – class of 2024 returns for Spring 2021 in-person training

After spending most of the first year of their pharmacy education at a distance, last May class of 2024 Washington State University student pharmacists ventured onto campus in Spokane and Yakima, Washington for four days of in-person instruction and testing. These four days laid the final groundwork to prepare the students for their second year, which will be taking place in-person starting August 23.

Research identifies potential role of ‘junk DNA’ sequence in aging, cancer

We don’t often think about ourselves this way, but our bodies are made up of trillions of living cells. We age as our cells age, which happens when those cells eventually stop replicating and dividing. Scientists have long known that our genes influence how our cells age and how long we live, but how that works exactly remains unclear. Findings from a new study led by researchers at Washington State University have solved a small piece of that puzzle, bringing scientists one step closer to solving the mystery of aging.

Outreach in Wapato

This March, third- and fourth-year Yakima pharmacy students participated in COVID-19 vaccine outreach at Horizon Pharmacy in Wapato, in the lower Yakima Valley.

Student volunteers helped prepare and administer the vaccinations, as well as counseled the patients afterwards.

Class of 2021 celebrates at a distance

When the class of 2021 first began their Pharmaceutical Sciences and Molecular Medicine and Doctor of Pharmacy journeys, no one could have imagined how it would end—there was no global pandemic on the horizon and it was beyond imagination that their final year would be spent any differently than those of their predecessors.

During commencement week, the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) celebrated all that the class of 2021 has accomplished over the past year and the course of their graduate education.

May 2021 Updates

FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP Publications Pharmacotherapy Associate Professor and Director for the Center for Pharmacy Practice Research Kimberly McKeirnan and five co-authors published, “Improving pneumococcal vaccination rates among rural older adults through […]

WSU pharmacy graduates lead residency matches in Washington state

WSU PharmD students led in accredited residency matches in Washington state this year. More than 67% of fourth-year pharmacy students seeking a residency matched, according to the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP) data, which coordinates the official match process for pharmacy schools nationwide. This year, 47 WSU PharmD students matched, up from 41 students last year.

Residencies are post-graduate training programs which allow new pharmacists to perform as a licensed practitioner to train under the supervision of an experienced preceptor. Residencies are highly sought-after positions to help pharmacists gain experience, leadership skills, advance their growth of clinical judgement, and hone their skills as a practicing pharmacist.

Celebrating college excellence

As COVID-19 spread across the globe, colleges found themselves pivoting to distance learning experiences leaving students, faculty and staff to adapt to a rapidly changing environment while navigating the implications of a global pandemic. Though everyone in the college deserves to be recognized for persevering through this difficult year, several have been recognized by their peers for their outstanding leadership, teamwork and service.