
HealthChats Recap: Journey to Becoming a Neuroscientist

In the latest HealthChats, Associate Professor Darrell Jackson shares his journey in becoming a neuroscientist. It was not a linear path, with many obstacles and sometimes dead ends, but Jackson’s optimism, perseverance, and curiosity always led him back on to the path of studying what he loved most: neuroscience.

Treating the incurable: WSU researcher makes strides in prostate cancer research

In 2019 alone, there will be an estimated 174,650 new cases of prostate cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men and approximately one man in 41 will die of prostate cancer.

Dr. Boyang (Jason) Wu, an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, wants to change that.

Pharmaceutical Sciences student awarded for research in nanotechnology to treat stroke and brain tumors

Xinyue (Sheena) Dong has spent the last four years as a pharmaceutical sciences graduate student researching how nanoparticle-based systems could be used to deliver treatments and treat brain disease. Recently, she was recognized for her hard work with the annual Harriett B. Rigas Outstanding Woman in Doctoral Studies Award presented by the Association for Faculty Women.

What role does sleep play in sun damage and skin repair?

In 2010, the International Agency for Research on Cancer under the World Health Organization recognized night shift work that disrupts the circadian rhythm as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” This official recognition of the link between cancer and sleep disruption was a defining moment for Dr. Shobhan Gaddameedhi, an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.