Our College

Gift launches Rural Health Initiative at WSU

A recent $2.2 million gift to Washington State University’s College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) will increase opportunities for PharmD students to focus on the health care needs of residents in rural Washington.

This extraordinary anonymous gift has helped to launch CPPS’ Rural Health Initiative (RHI) to improve access to health care in the rural communities of Washington. Started in the fall of 2021, RHI is an ambitious 10-year plan to create opportunities for student pharmacists and post-graduate pharmacists to specialize in delivery of rural health care. Access to health care providers in rural Washington continues to be a challenge for the nearly 800,000 residents living in these areas. It’s estimated that Washington needs 600 new providers to eliminate this gap in access to care. The Rural Health Initiative aims to alleviate this problem.

CPPS Announces Faculty Promotions

From the first days in kindergarten, to the last days of a doctoral program, educators serve a critical role in their students’ lives. They guide students through the curriculum, sharing […]

A new path for future pharmacy students in Pullman

Washington State University Honors College students who are interested in working in the growing health care industry and protecting the health of the communities they serve can now do so through the WSU Doctor of Pharmacy program. Thanks to a new agreement between the two colleges, Honors College students admitted to the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences during their sophomore or junior year will be able to use PharmD courses to complete their bachelor’s degree electives while in the first year of their pharmacy education.

CPPS grant helps prepare high school students for bioscience careers

From the first day of kindergarten, children are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Their answers vary as much as the kids themselves, each dreaming of who they will be as an adult. But after they’re asked, what then? How do they find the path for these careers? Who supplies the map?

Thanks to a grant from Career Connect Washington, the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences hopes to help them find their way.

Class of 2021 celebrates at a distance

When the class of 2021 first began their Pharmaceutical Sciences and Molecular Medicine and Doctor of Pharmacy journeys, no one could have imagined how it would end—there was no global pandemic on the horizon and it was beyond imagination that their final year would be spent any differently than those of their predecessors.

During commencement week, the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) celebrated all that the class of 2021 has accomplished over the past year and the course of their graduate education.

WSU pharmacy graduates lead residency matches in Washington state

WSU PharmD students led in accredited residency matches in Washington state this year. More than 67% of fourth-year pharmacy students seeking a residency matched, according to the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP) data, which coordinates the official match process for pharmacy schools nationwide. This year, 47 WSU PharmD students matched, up from 41 students last year.

Residencies are post-graduate training programs which allow new pharmacists to perform as a licensed practitioner to train under the supervision of an experienced preceptor. Residencies are highly sought-after positions to help pharmacists gain experience, leadership skills, advance their growth of clinical judgement, and hone their skills as a practicing pharmacist.

Celebrating college excellence

As COVID-19 spread across the globe, colleges found themselves pivoting to distance learning experiences leaving students, faculty and staff to adapt to a rapidly changing environment while navigating the implications of a global pandemic. Though everyone in the college deserves to be recognized for persevering through this difficult year, several have been recognized by their peers for their outstanding leadership, teamwork and service.