April 2021 Updates



Pharmacotherapy Associate Professor Kimberly McKeirnan, Pharmacotherapy Associate Professor Megan Undeberg and two co-authors published, “A case of pharmacist-led care team interventions to maximize rural patient quality of life,” in the Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy Journal in March 2021.

Pharmacotherapy Assistant Professor Cheyenne Newsome and one co-author published, “Strategies to bring transgender and non-binary healthcare into pharmacy education,” in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education in February 2021.


Cheyenne Newsome presented on transgender patient care at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) virtual Annual Meeting in the student programming track on March 14, 2021.


Vice Chair & Allen I. White Distinguished Associate Professor of Pharmacotherapy Josh Neumiller has been appointed to the American Diabetes Association’s FDA Advisory Working Group. This is a new council of experts convened by the ADA to advise their work with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Cheyenne Newsome was quoted on integrated care for transgender patients in AACP’s Academic Pharmacy Now article, “Advocating for LGBTQ+ education.” The article highlights how faculty like Dr. Newsome have integrated care for transgender patients into pharmacy curriculums.

Grants & Awards

Pharmaceutical Sciences Assistant Professor Zhaokang Cheng was awarded an R01 grant in the amount of $1,904,234 over four years from the National Institutes of Health-National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute  (NIH–NHLBI) for the project titled, “Cell cycle proteins as key regulators of cardiac chemosensitivity.”


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students

Tarana Arman (Clarke lab) received the third-place award for the prestigious and highly competitive Carl C. Smith Graduate Student Award from the Society of Toxicology (SOT) Mechanisms Specialty Section for her manuscript, “Diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease slowed recovery of hepatic fibrosis and carcinogenic reprogramming after microcystin-LR toxicity in rats.”. Judging is based on an unpublished full-length research manuscript that covers the work presented at the annual SOT conference.

Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students

The Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences chapter of APhA-ASP received the Operation Immunization 2019-2020 First Runner-Up Award at the APhA virtual Annual Meeting.

Kennedy Erickson, class of 2023, was elected as the American Pharmacists Association- Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) national president-elect at the APhA virtual Annual Meeting. This is the first time that WSU has had a student elected to an APhA national leadership position.

Carissa Teeters, class of 2023, presented a resolution during the house of delegates related to immunizations at the APhA virtual Annual meeting. The resolution passed.

Zachary Coleman, class of 2022, was selected to serve as the chair of the national Policy Standing Committee at the APhA virtual Annual Meeting.

Elizabeth Satterwhite, class of 2022, published, “Metformin extended-release oral solution,” in the Clinical Pharmacology Update in the American Diabetes Associate journal Clinical Diabetes in February 2021.