Class of 2012 Arrives in Pullman

The Pharmacy Class of 2012 is similar to other recent classes: there are more women than men, the average age is 25.3, and 68 of the 92 students already have bachelor’s degrees.

One slight difference is there are more students from California. Last year there was one from California; this year there are 15.

The College welcomed the Class of 2012 with a White Coat Ceremony on Aug. 25. Fifty of the students are women, the rest are men. In addition to the California residents, 52 students are from Washington state, 9 from Hawaii, 4 from Oregon, 3 from Utah, 2 from Florida, and 1 each from Alaska, Idaho, Colorado, Illinois, North Dakota and Texas.

Haggen Food and Pharmacy Inc. of Bellingham again donated the white coats for each new student.