
WSU study identifies new target for treatment of gout

Pharmaceutical Sciences researchers have identified a new therapeutic target for the treatment of gout, a common type of arthritis that causes episodes of painful and stiff joints. The research lays the foundation for the development of potential new treatment strategies that could significantly improve the quality of life of millions of people around the world who suffer from the condition.

October Updates

FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP Publications Pharmacotherapy Clinical Associate Professor Kimberly McKeirnan, Allen I. White Distinguished Associate Professor Joshua Neumiller and Research Associate Andrew Yabusaki published the poster, “Extending the learning tree:  4th […]

Research day rewards

On August 19, current and future scientists gathered to show off their work at the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) Research Day. The all-day event is a celebration […]

CPPS Welcomes Class of 2023

“You need to remember you are not going on this journey by yourself, so I’m going to ask you to rely on yourself, each other and your networks.”

This is the advice that Interim Dean Linda Garrelts MacLean gave incoming student pharmacists at white coat ceremonies over the course of two days from August 15-16.