
HealthChats recap: Pharmacy Goes to War

What secrets might be held in an ordinary basket containing a ration of bread, canned goods, a roll of paper towels, and a letter? During the most recent HealthChats, Pharmacy Goes to War, Pharmacotherapy Associate Professor Megan Undeberg used these everyday items to take viewers on a tour of pharmacy through World War II, hiding names of pharmacists in the same ways Resistance members hid messages decades before.

Mentors of the Year

By sharing their own experiences, alumni mentors provide a roadmap for students to better navigate challenges and successes during their education and into their future. In recognition of this influential work, each year the college selects two mentors from student nominations for our Mentor of the Year award, recognizing those mentors who show a dedication to helping their mentees develop into outstanding health care professionals.

HealthChats Recap: Journey to Becoming a Neuroscientist

In the latest HealthChats, Associate Professor Darrell Jackson shares his journey in becoming a neuroscientist. It was not a linear path, with many obstacles and sometimes dead ends, but Jackson’s optimism, perseverance, and curiosity always led him back on to the path of studying what he loved most: neuroscience.

December 2020 Updates

FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP Publications Allen I. White Distinguished Associate Professor of Pharmacotherapy Joshua Neumiller and co-authors published, “Incretin drugs in diabetic kidney disease: biological mechanisms and clinical evidence,” in the Nature […]