
Scholarships propel student to pursue her dreams

Kellyan Nguyen, class of 2022, has spent her pharmacy school career giving back to the community. As the first person in her family to attend pharmacy school, Kellyan credits her parents with instilling in her an appreciation for hard work, dedication, and resilience. She has put these traits to the test over the past year as the Women’s Health Fellow, working alongside non-profit, community organizations that reduce gender-based inequities in health care and cater to the overall well-being of young girls and women of Washington.

August 2021 Updates

FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP Publications J. Roberts and Marcia Fosberg Distinguished Regents Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Director of the Drug Information Center Danial Baker published, “Drug evaluation – tirbanibulin 1% ointment (Klisyri),” in Wolters […]

First time on campus – class of 2024 returns for Spring 2021 in-person training

After spending most of the first year of their pharmacy education at a distance, last May class of 2024 Washington State University student pharmacists ventured onto campus in Spokane and Yakima, Washington for four days of in-person instruction and testing. These four days laid the final groundwork to prepare the students for their second year, which will be taking place in-person starting August 23.

Research identifies potential role of ‘junk DNA’ sequence in aging, cancer

We don’t often think about ourselves this way, but our bodies are made up of trillions of living cells. We age as our cells age, which happens when those cells eventually stop replicating and dividing. Scientists have long known that our genes influence how our cells age and how long we live, but how that works exactly remains unclear. Findings from a new study led by researchers at Washington State University have solved a small piece of that puzzle, bringing scientists one step closer to solving the mystery of aging.

Outreach in Wapato

This March, third- and fourth-year Yakima pharmacy students participated in COVID-19 vaccine outreach at Horizon Pharmacy in Wapato, in the lower Yakima Valley.

Student volunteers helped prepare and administer the vaccinations, as well as counseled the patients afterwards.