
Business Services Quick Links:

Everything you need to know about traveling on behalf of the Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Please reach out with any questions related to:

  • Travel arrangements
  • Travel reimbursements (TEV’s)
  • Travel Authorities (TA’s)
  • Airline ticket payments (CTA’s)

Enjoy Your Trip!

Please contact Sarah Kohler if Lori is away from the office.

Policies & Procedures

Travel Expenses & Reimbursement

The Travel Expenses Form and original paid receipts must be submitted immediately after travel or within 60 days after the end of travel. Once travel is past 60 days after the last day of travel, the reimbursement will be taxed. The form saved as PDF along with receipts and emailed to Lori Henderson at

Paid receipts are needed for everything but meals, including taxi, parking, bus, rental car gas, hotel, miscellaneous expenses.

Airline Tickets

Purchase airline ticket using College CTA card  by contacting Lori Henderson to purchase airfare. Do NOT use your personal credit card. We book online directly with the airlines. We do not recommend using Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity or other consolidator, these are third party vendors and purchasing is taken at your own risk. Approved travel agents may be used, but additional ticketing fees will apply.

Motor Pool Cars

If you will be using a state vehicle from the WSU Motor pool, please contact Lori Henderson or Sarah Kohler to reserve your vehicle. Please be prepared to provide us with the times that you will pick up and return the vehicle at the motor pool.

Car Rental

If you will be renting a car from a commercial agency, we recommend the Enterprise and National Car Rental program. Contact Lori Henderson for assistance. You may rent from another agency, but insurance coverage is your responsibility.

Conference Registration

Use of the College purchasing card is allowed and recommended. Call Lori Henderson for purchasing card information at 368-6674. Use of personal credit card is allowed, but reimbursement is processed after the travel is complete.

Hotel Rooms

Please book and pay for your hotel room. Confirm with Business Services the allowable hotel per diem for the area. An original paid receipt showing your name and a zero balance must be obtained from the hotel and submitted for reimbursement.