Doctor of Pharmacy

CPPS Welcomes Class of 2023

“You need to remember you are not going on this journey by yourself, so I’m going to ask you to rely on yourself, each other and your networks.”

This is the advice that Interim Dean Linda Garrelts MacLean gave incoming student pharmacists at white coat ceremonies over the course of two days from August 15-16.

Johanna Pantig named WSU student regent

By Addy Hatch, WSU News Johanna Pantig, a fourth-year pharmacy student at WSU Health Sciences in Spokane, has been named Washington State University Student Regent for the 2019-20 academic year. At […]

WSU recognized as a top performing Phi Delta Chi chapter

This year at the Phi Delta Chi Professional Pharmacy Fraternity’s 72 Grand Council in Anaheim, California, Washington State University’s Gamma Psi chapter was once again recognized as a top performing chapter and several members were elected and appointed to national and regional offices.

Scholarship helps student pharmacist work toward her dream

Student pharmacist Megan Baker is interested in owning her own pharmacy someday, and she just received a scholarship designed to help her get there. Baker was one of just 20 students nationwide selected to receive a $2,500 Pharmacists Mutual Scholarship for the upcoming 2019-20 school year.

Reflecting on Peru

Every year a group of Washington State University Health Sciences students travel nearly 5,000 miles from home to provide health care services to the people and communities in the Amazon […]

Seminar Panel Discusses Veterinary Pharmacy

On February 28 the Washington State University (WSU) College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) and the WSU chapter of American College of Veterinary Pharmacy (AVCP) hosted a Veterinary Pharmacy […]