
Two post-graduate fellows join CPPS faculty ranks

Two of the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences’ (CPPS) post-graduate pharmacy fellows will join the college as faculty this August. Taylor Bertsch and Jennifer (Czapinski) Miller move from […]

WSU pharmacy faculty joins research scholars program

Kimberly McKeirnan, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacotherapy at WSU, has been selected for the Translational Research Scholars Program (TRSP) through the Institute of Translational Health Sciences. The […]

Two faculty make the move to associate dean

In January 2018, the Washington State University College of Pharmacy announced two updates to positions in its college leadership. Jennifer Robinson and Angela Stewart have been named associate deans for […]

WSU prof takes on national leadership role in diabetes

Washington State University’s Joshua Neumiller was named chairperson of the Professional Practice Committee for the American Diabetes Association (ADA). He will be leading the committee’s work to incorporate new clinical […]

WSU Center for Pharmacy Practice Research

College of Pharmacy pursues practice-based research to show impact on community health, expand opportunities for junior faculty The teaching faculty for the Doctor of Pharmacy program at WSU make up […]