Tia Weyrauch

HealthChats: Managing diabetes through lifestyle changes

In the United States over 34 million people live with diabetes. Of those 34 million, somewhere in the range of 90-95% have type 2 diabetes while the remaining 5-10% have type 1 diabetes.

“For some patients who maybe have been living a really busy lifestyle with lots of stress going on and maybe haven’t been paying as much attention to their health as some other aspects of their life, getting the diagnosis of diabetes can be a real wake-up call to re-evaluate their priorities and maybe their lifestyle and might be kind of that extra push that they need to get them on a healthier path,” explained Pharmacotherapy Assistant Professor Cheyenne Newsome at last month’s HealthChats seminar.

Flu season is here: Time to get vaccinated

In no other year has a flu shot been more important.

Immunization experts at the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences warn that the addition of another respiratory illness such as the flu on top of COVID-19 could overburden health care systems, strain local testing capacity and increase the risk of complications from either disease.

CPPS virtually welcomes class of 2024

Each Doctor of Pharmacy student at the Washington State University begins their journey with the donning of their white coats. This simple coat is symbolic. It represents professionalism, caring and trust that each future pharmacist must earn from their patients.

While this year’s celebration looked a little different, the symbolism is all the more significant in these world-changing times. For the first time, the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences took to the web to welcome over 100 incoming pharmacy students with a virtual white coat celebration on Friday, August 21. Over 600 people attended the event online.

September 2020 Updates

FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP Publications Pharmaceutical Sciences Assistant Professor Travis T. Denton, with pharmaceutical sciences and molecular medicine graduate students Dunxin Shen and Laken Kruger and Doctor of Pharmacy student Tyler Deatherage […]

Keeping students and faculty connected while socially distanced

As COVID-19 swept through the nation, many institutes of higher education were faced with the prospect of suddenly moving instruction to a virtual setting. The WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) was no exception. With only a few days’ notice, the CPPS IT team had to spring to action to provide the IT infrastructure for nearly 700 students and 160 faculty and staff to work from home as the Washington state governor issued a mandated stay-at-home order in March.

August 2020 Updates

FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP Publications Pharmaceutical Sciences Associate Professor Bhagwat Prasad and four co-authors published, “OATP-mediated hepatic uptake of glucuronide metabolites of androgens,” in Molecular Pharmacology in June 2020. View abstract Pharmaceutical […]

Treating the incurable: WSU researcher makes strides in prostate cancer research

In 2019 alone, there will be an estimated 174,650 new cases of prostate cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men and approximately one man in 41 will die of prostate cancer.

Dr. Boyang (Jason) Wu, an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, wants to change that.