CPPS Announces Faculty Promotions

The time a student spends in a University are foundational to their future careers. The connections they build and the community they become a part of leave a permanent mark. Faculty are a substantial part of this community. They guide students through the curriculum, sharing their own experiences and expertise to help students forge their own paths.

At the Washington State University (WSU) College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) faculty members are passionate about inspiring the next generation of health care providers and scientists. By giving faculty the opportunity to excel through professional advancement and research, both faculty and students benefit. University promotions recognizes a faculty member’s growth through activities in teaching, research and service.

Promoted to Professor

Promoted to Associate Professor

In addition, the following faculty were granted tenure by the University:

  • Travis Denton
  • Hui Zhang

To be considered for promotion, faculty must have a demonstrated record of contributing to the university through activities in teaching, research and service. Teaching courses and mentoring students also includes connecting teaching practices and course design to program-level goals and learning outcomes, and applying methods supported by the current pedagogical literature. The second element is original research, scholarship and creative activities that result in the dissemination of new knowledge and insights through a variety of media. In addition to teaching and research, faculty duties include a substantive service component that is centered on outreach and public service that benefits communities and industries external to the university.