May 2020 Updates



Pharmaceutical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Associate Peng Xia, Pharmaceutical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Associate Jingrui Chen, Pharmaceutical Sciences Assistant Professor Zhaokang Cheng and one co-author published, “PRKAR1A deficiency impedes hypertrophy and reduces heart size,” in Physiological Reports, an open access monthly journal published by the Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society. Read article

Pharmacotherapy Clinical Associate Professor Kimberly McKeirnan and one co-author published, “Changes in practice scope of pharmacy technicians needed to address community needs during COVID-19 outbreak,” in Pharmacy Times in April 2020. Read article

Pharmacotherapy Clinical Assistant Professor Taylor Bertsch and Kimberly McKeirnan published, “Perceived benefit of immunization-trained technicians in the pharmacy workflow,” in Pharmacy as part of the Special Issue Pharmacy Workforce Support Personnel. Read article

Pharmacotherapy Clinical Assistant Professor Nicole Perea, Taylor Bertsch and Kimberly McKeirnan published, “Considerations in training student pharmacists to perform physical assessment,” in the Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning in May 2020.  Read article

R. Keith Campbell Distinguished Professor John White published, “Don’t DIY COVID-19 treatment,” in the Inlander in April 2020. Read article


Allen I. White Distinguished Associate Professor of Pharmacotherapy Joshua Neumiller has been appointed to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) COVID-19 Expert Advisor Panel. The panel is comprised of subject matter experts in a broad range of areas providing guidance to ADA on the most timely and appropriate information to provide to both health consumers and professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

Josh Neumiller will serve as the voting delegate for the ADA and represent ADA at the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Convention for the term of 2020-2025. Read more

Josh Neumiller has been appointed as a Course Director for the 2021 and 2022 ADA Advanced Postgraduate Courses. The Advanced Postgraduate Course is planned and organized by an interdisciplinary group of 5 Course Directors composed of professional diabetes experts from medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dietetics and psychosocial/behavior care. Read more

Pharmacotherapy Clinical Associate Professor Megan Willson, Kimberly McKeirnan, Pharmacotherapy Clinical Associate Professor Jennifer Robinson, Pharmacotherapy Clinical Associate Professor Julie Akers and Pharmacotherapy Clinical Assistant Professor (Yakima) Christina Buchman received an honorable mention from AACP for their work in suicide awareness.


Pharmacotherapy Clinical Assistant Professor Kyle Frazier, Pharmacotherapy Clinical Associate Professor Megan Undeberg, and Kimberly McKeirnan have been awarded another year of funding for Medication Optimization from the Empire Health Foundation.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor Salah-uddin Ahmed was selected as the 2019-2020 WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program Teacher of the Year.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Clinical Assistant Professor Connie Remsberg and Pharmacotherapy Clinical Assistant Professor (Yakima) Damianne Brand-Eubanks were voted the 2019-2020 Teachers of the Year by College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences first-year student pharmacists.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Clinical Associate Professor Susan Marsh and Pharmacotherapy Clinical Associate Professor (Yakima) Rustin Crutchley were voted the 2019-2020 Teachers of the Year by College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences second-year student pharmacists.

Kyle Frazier and Pharmacotherapy Clinical Assistant Professor (Yakima) Dana Bowers were voted the 2019-2020 Teachers of the Year by College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences third-year student pharmacists.

Megan Undeberg was voted the 2019-20 WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty Preceptor of the Year.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) students

Yuening Liu (pharmaceutical sciences, Cheng lab) with faculty co-authors Peng Xia, Jingrui Chen and Zhaokang Cheng published“PRKAR1A deficiency impedes hypertrophy and reduces heart size,” in Physiological Reports, an open access monthly journal published by the Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society. Read article

Xinyue (Sheena) Dong (pharmaceutical sciences, Z. Wang lab) received the Harriet B. Rigas award for Outstanding Women in Graduate Studies from the Association for Women Faculty. Read more

Ana Vergara (pharmaceutical sciences, Lazarus lab) was selected to receive WSU Health Sciences Chancellor’s Legacy Award.

Ruby Siegel (pharmaceutical sciences, Ahmed lab) was selected as the 2019-2020 WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program Student of the Year.

Madalyn Brown (pharmaceutical sciences, Gibson/Roullet lab) successfully passed her final defense.

Xinyue (Sheena) Dong successfully passed her final defense.

Panshak Dakup (pharmaceutical sciences, Gaddameedhi lab) successfully passed his final defense.

Dunxin Shen (pharmaceutical sciences, Denton lab) successfully passed his final defense.

Mahamudul (Maha) Haque (pharmaceutical sciences, Ahmed lab) successfully passed his final defense.

Jing Wang (pharmaceutical sciences, Wu lab) successfully passed her preliminary exam.

Dana Walters (pharmaceutical sciences, Gibson/Roullet lab) successfully passed his preliminary exam.

Trevor Kirby (pharmaceutical sciences, Gibson/Roullet lab) successfully passed his preliminary exam.

Rakshit Tanna (pharmaceutical sciences, Paine lab) successfully passed his preliminary exam.

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) students

Thomas Borden with faculty co-authors J. Roberts and Marcia Fosberg Distinguished Professor in Pharmacotherapy Danial Baker, Pharmacotherapy Clinical Professor Terri Levien and Pharmacotherapy Clinical Professor Brian Gates published, “Nasal glucagon and the glucagon autoinjector pen: newly approved novel dosage forms for severe hypoglycemia,” in the Senior Care Pharmacist. View abstract

Viktor Golovin was selected as the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student of the Year for the class of 2023 in Yakima.

Kennedy Erickson was selected as the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student of the Year for the class of 2023 in Spokane.

Lermey Uong was selected as the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student of the Year for the class of 2022 in Yakima.

Robyn Hart was selected as the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student of the Year for the class of 2022 in Spokane.

Virginia Gonzalez was selected as the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student of the Year for the class of 2021 in Yakima.

Connor Capedeville was selected as the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student of the Year for the class of 2021 in Spokane.

Debbi Li was selected as the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student of the Year for the class of 2020 in Yakima.

Nadia Bamfo, Megan Baker, Nancy Johnson and Johanna Pantig were selected as WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Students of the Year for the class of 2020 in Spokane.

Brandy Seignemartin was selected to receive the WSU Health Sciences Chancellor’s Campus Compact Award.

Rozita Zandkargar was selected to receive the WSU Health Sciences Chancellor’s Leadership Award.

Danielle Fitzpatrick was selected to receive the WSU Health Sciences Chancellor’s Leadership Award.

Christopher Bran-Morales was selected to receive the WSU Health Sciences Chancellor’s Community Engagement – Student Impact Award.

Frank Nenninger was selected to receive the WSU Health Sciences Chancellor’s Legacy Award.